
Making a house call Van Loon, M. Int’l Chiropractors Association Review Fall 2001.

This is the case of a woman on bed rest due to symptoms of pre-eclampsia that the midwife and obstetrician were trying to manage at home. By 35 weeks gestation, swelling of extremities and rising blood pressure did not improve by full bed rest. The patient had two at home visits of chiropractic care and her symptoms stabilized with no need for the hospitalization that was considered.

Hypolumbarlordosis: a predisposing factor for preeclampsia. Kanayama N. Maradny EE, Kajiwara Y. et al. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 1997;75: 115-121

About 1 in 200 pregnant women suffer from preeclampsia with hypertension and albuminaria (protein in urine) which can lead to seizures, coma and death. The cause is unknown.

The authors studied pregnant women to see if there was a relationship between their spinal shape, particularly the lumbar (lower back) spinal shape and preeclampsia. It was revealed that women with decreased lumbar spine curves had more preeclampsia. Interestingly, they also found that patients with reduced lumbar curves had decreased blood flow to the iliac artery than other pregnant women.

Copyright 2004 Koren Publications, Inc. & Tedd Koren, D.C.