finland chiropractic

Dr. Harri Maki-Pesola Pori, Finland

To make people understand how lucky they should feel if they're healthy, I would like to share my story: When I was a young woman, and had just given birth to my first child, I started to have really odd symptoms which seemed to change but never go away. For two desperate years the doctors tried to find what had gone wrong with me. They never found the reason but all of them seemed to be certain I had to have my thyroid gland surgically removed. That was in fall of 1966. Ever since, although medication, my health deteriorated gradually and surely.

Now, the past 40 years seem like a terrible waste. I haven't had a day of good health. The aches, pains, depression, problems sleeping, tiredness, weight gain, unexplainable infections, memory loss, heart and lung disease, and all else just wore me out and made me lose my mental health. I felt like it was the medication that made me worse but the doctors kept giving me more and stronger medication, which I later refused to take. That was enough for my husband, father of my three children, who decided it was time for something else. I was locked into a mental institution for months against my own will.

Result was more medication without anyone listening just how bad it was being trapped in my body or why I was having all these issues with my health. I seemed to be the only one thinking it was not only in my head. I became very bitter and I'm sure it was my christian belief that kept me alive those months.

After the mental institution, another two years went by. still I was drugged and it seems like a long sleep. Last fall (2005) a friend showed me an ad she had seen in the newspaper. By the time I had never heard of chiropractic other than help people with their back problems. But if someone could relieve my back pain, I would be more than grateful. What I also didn't know was what I looked like trying to stand up.

The pictures of my spine were shocking! My spine looked like a collection of bones that weren't meant to be in a same spine. Although I'm only in my early 60's, I looked worse than those over 100. I could easily relate my posture and painful areas in my back to different health problems. my husband couldn't. Because of this the chiropractor refused to accept me under his care until my husband promised his support (we live far away from the office and I need him to drive). I promised his support as a christmas gift.

At the beginning there only seemed to be minor changes but as time went by I began to notice some other changes. for years I hadn't walked more than just a hundred metres at a time, but suddenly (compare to 40 years of inability) after just few weeks I was easily able to walk for an hour, painless. That was not all. my heart beat went from 120/min to just 80/min without adding any medication, breathing started to feel easier and my mental attitude started to change.

Actually, as I had only been complaining for the past 40 years, I was told no one in the chiropractic office wanted to hear complaints. they only wanted the good news. That made me understand I should also look at the bright side of life. As I've done it, I've noticed that there are now much more good days and only a occasional bad day. About the good I tell everyone, the bad I put aside. For me chiropractic has been the ultimate solution. Although I haven't been able to throw all my medication away, it seems wonderful not needing them so much.

It is a policy to attend the chiropractor's health classes at least 4 times/year. So far I have tried to attend at least twice a month to bring other relatives and friends. I was lucky enough to convince all of my family to come for a spinal check up. My two sons live far away but my husband and my daughter are now patients as well, although they didn't really have any problems. It just made sense to take care of the postural misalignment they had, before they start to have any problems. As a result my daughter has felt so energetic she was recently promoted in her job and my husband just seems happier than ever.
