
Bilateral simultaneous optic nerve dysfunction following paraorbital trauma: Recovery of vision in association with chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. Stephens D, Pollard H., Bilton D et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Nov/Dec 1999 Vol 22 No. 9

A 53-year-old woman had a fall down a stairwell and fractured a facial bone. Approximately three weeks later her vision in the eye opposite the side that had the fracture began to fail. It was revealed that there was diminished function of both optic nerves, the right more than the left.

After a series of chiropractic adjustments, her vision returned to normal.

Cortical blindness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and recurring otitis media: A case study in chiropractic management. Amalu WC, Today’s Chiropractic May/June 1998 pp.16-25.

This is the case of a 5-year-old boy with recurring middle-ear infections at one-month intervals who was diagnosed with cortical blindness (the eyes functioned properly but the vision center in the brain was damaged), cerebral palsy, epilepsy and severe brain damage, secondary to possible aborted crib death or viral encephalitis.

His mother reported he had been a healthy child and “Two days following a well-child checkup with an inoculation,” the child became “colicky” and developed a mild upper respiratory infection with fever and later became cyanotic, gasping for air and nonresponsive. A cranial CT scan showed cerebral edema, comparable with either an ischemic insult or sepsis. Child began to have seizures 24 hours later, diagnosed as severe hypoxemic encephalopathy, secondary to possible SIDS or vital encephalitis.

Child remained on Phenobarbital ™ for over 1½ years then placed on Dilantin ™ . Multiple specialists said he would never walk, speak, regain his vision or progress in school.

At the time of his first chiropractic visit he was having 30 grand mal and complex seizures a day and otitis media once per month. He was unable to walk, communicate and was non-responsive. He made a constant loud vocal drone and almost constant writhing torsocephalic motions.

Chiropractic management consisted of correction (adjustment) of C1 vertebrae. The adjustment was accomplished and the mother noted that he had his first good-night sleep in weeks.

After the 2nd adjustment seizures reduced to 10/day, vocal drone became a quiet intermittent moan and he began to clap his hands.

During the next week patient had become more alert, sitting up and looking around, and responded to sounds. Seizures decreased to 5/day. Pupillary reflexes returned to normal, almost all writhing motions had ceased, ears were clear of effusion. By the 3rd week grand mal seizures had stopped and he was sleeping through the night. For the first time in his life he said “dada.” Spasticity had deceased in all extremities and he began showing fine motor skills. He had his first month free from otitis media.

By end of fifth week an ophthalmologist noted a drastic improvement in central field vision. Seizures reduced to three per day, saying more words and improved fine motor coordination.

By the 7-12 weeks, seizures reduced to staring spells which saying his name brought him out of.

Over the next 10 months improvement continued. All epileptic symptoms disappeared and the neurologist declared him non-epileptic. He remained free from of ear infections. His vision improved to the point where he was prescribed glasses. Vocabulary continued to increase. He was learning to feed himself and was potty training. He was able to walk slowly with assistance.

Comment from Tedd Koren: This appears to be a vaccine related injury, especially since cerebral edema is a sign of vaccine damage. Also encephalopathy has been noticed in the medical literature as a possible reaction to the DTP inoculation. Upon discussion with the author of this paper it was learned that the medical personnel refused to acknowledge or even consider possible vaccine injury.

Does ‘normal’ vision improve with spinal manipulation? Stephens D, Gorman RF, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1996; 19:415-8

This is the case of a 22-year-old man suffering from a painful neck who began chiropractic care.

Although his ‘vision’ was considered to be in the normal range, as measured by computerized static perimetry, it was tested before and after a spinal adjustment. After the adjustment there were was a measurable improvement in the visual sensitivity of both eyes.

Case report: spinal strain and visual perception deficit. Gorman RF, Anderson RL, Hilton D, Favoloro RJ, Pittorino AJ. Chiropractic J. of Australia 1994: 24: 131-134

Following a motor vehicle accident, a 33-year-old male experienced an overall “burning” feeling, difficulty in breathing, vertigo on standing, fatigue, irritability, pain in the right wrist, sore eyes, and blurred vision. X-rays and EKG were normal. Patient also had tunnel vision.

After spinal care his symptoms completely disappeared

Visual recovery following chiropractic intervention. Gilman G and Bergstrand J. Journal of Behavioral Optometry. Volume 1 1990, No.3 P73.

After a head trauma, an elderly man experienced a complete loss of vision. He was examined by a behavioral optometrist and it was determined that optometric and opthalmological treatments were not indicated. He was referred to a chiropractor.

After chiropractic adjustments the patient’s vision returned. Possible neurological explanations are addressed in the paper.

Study on cervical visual disturbance and its manipulative treatment. Zhang C, Wang Y, Lu W, et al. J Trad Chinese Medicine, 1984;4:205-210.

This paper reviews the status of 3120 cases of cervical syndrome of which 30 were associated with hypopsia and blindness.

The patients were given Chinese manipulative therapy. “Vision was restored to no less than 1.0 in 4 cases with blindness.”

The authors observed that in many cases “blood flow of the cerebral hemispheres greatly improves after manipulative treatment. The same was found to be true in animal tests.”

Copyright 2004 Koren Publications, Inc. & Tedd Koren, D.C.

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