Behavioral and Learning Disorders

(see also Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD, Brain Function)

Using a computerized continuous performance test to assess the effects of chiropractic adjustment on attention span'. A pilot study Goff G, Sheader W, Sheader DF, Thornton M Chiropr J Aust 2000; 30: 48-54.

This was a computerized continuous performance test to see if chiropractic affected attention span. Forty-one patients of the Palmer Chiropractic Clinic, aged 22-47 (mean age = 32), participated in the study.
Attention span was assessed with the Conners' Continuous Performance Test Computer Program version 3.0 (1995) before and after chiropractic adjustment. This test is commonly used to assess attention span.

The results: Individuals showed improved attention span of clinically significant levels after chiropractic care.

A pilot study of applied kinesiology in helping children with learning disabilities. Mathews MO, Thomas E, British Osteopathic Journal Vol. X11 1993.

In this study, Osteopaths used applied kinesiology and Neural Organization Technique (NOT) developed by Carl Ferrari, D.C. After care IQ scores improved and learning disabilities lessened.

Post-traumatic evaluation and treatment of the pediatric patient with head injury: a case report. Araghi HJ. Proc of the Nat’l Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics, 1992:1-8.

This is the study of a two-year-old boy suffering from vomiting and loss of energy after being hit on the head. CT Scan and neurological exam revealed a concussion with no evidence of brain or spinal cord pathology.

Chiropractic adjustment of occiput resolved the patient’s symptoms.

Learning difficulties of children viewed in the light of osteopathic concept. Frymann V (1988). In: Retalaff EW, Mitchell Fl Jr. (Eds). The cranium and its sutures, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, NY, pp.27-47.

The success of osteopathic care on learning disorders is discussed (a good review book).

Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in infants and small children. Gutman G. ICA Review, 1990; July:37-42. Originally published in German Manuelle Medizin (1987) 25:5-10.

In this paper the author discusses three cases “to illustrate a syndrome that has so far received far too little attention, which is caused and perpetuated in babies and infants by blocked nerve impulses at the atlas.”

Chiropractors refer to this condition as an atlas or C1 subluxation.

Blocked nerve impulses at the atlas are associated with lowered resistance to infections, (especially to ear-, nose-, and throat infections), insomnia, cranial bone asymmetry, torticollis (wry neck), retarded locomotor development, retarded speech development, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, earache, extreme neck sensitivity, incipient scoliosis, delayed hip development, and seizures.

The author writes “If the indications are correct, Chiropractic can bring about amazing results because the therapy is a causal one.”

The effects of chiropractic treatment on students with learning and behavioral impairments due to neurological dysfunction. Walton EV. Int Rev of Chiro 1975;29(6): 4-5,24-26.

Twelve impaired students received chiropractic care and twelve impaired students were used for comparison (controls) . The case histories include:

Case C 91: male high school student, failing three subjects, with a history of failure, low morale, discipline problems, poor coordination, and a long history of clinical and medical treatment. After chiropractic care the student was passing all subjects, highly motivated, showing improved coordination and able to participate in athletics. All medications were dropped.

Case C 92: female high school student on 20mg. Ritalin and on Dilantin. She was non-motivated, negative, passive, nonverbal, and failing in high school work despite placement in special classes. After chiropractic adjustments the student was taken off Ritalin, began talking and expressing herself, showed improved reading comprehension and reading speed.

Case CE 92: 8 year old boy. Elementary student, extremely hyperkinetic and irritable, with severe behavior problems at home and school. Grades marginal to failing. Ritalin ™ was increased from an initial 5mg. to a total of 70mg./day with steadily diminishing results. (70mg. approaches danger level as a dosage). Under chiropractic care, the Ritalin ™ (was) discontinued and coordination improved so much that he became an able Little League ball player. His attitude was excellent, grades were up an average of one letter grade, and the student was considered free of all limiting factors. Behavior at home and school was exemplary.

Case CE 101: male elementary student, marginally passing his courses with a four-year history of marginal accomplishment in school. He was nervous, underweight and suffered from insomnia. Medication was briefly tried but the student’s emotional control became poor and he frequently wept. The medication was discontinued. After chiropractic care there was a marked reduction in nervousness and great improvement in emotional stability. His mother reported that his appetite was now normal and he began enjoying school during the last month.

Case C 93: female high school student on heavy dosages of medication. Non-motivated with a long history of clinical evaluation and treatment. The girl was failing most school subjects, marginal in others, and withdrawn. After chiropractic adjustments, her self-confidence improved; she was passing all subjects. All medication was discontinued after four months of treatment. A vocational goal was established.

Case CJ 95: male junior high school student. He was hyperkinetic almost from birth and had a traumatic early developmental history with suspected neurological problems. Although of above average intelligence. He was passing only two subjects both marginally. He was starting to become a discipline problem, making little or no effort in school. After chiropractic care, fine and gross motor coordination improved markedly. He began taking an interest in athletics and played Little League on a team that placed third in the state. Earlier plans to send him back to a lower grade were dropped and he was promoted. After a late summer remedial program, his academic progress was excellent

Case CE 102: an elementary student who had been diagnosed by numerous clinics as minimally brain damaged, retarded and/or suffering from neurological dysfunction. He also suffered from severe emotional problems. After chiropractic, he showed great improvement in self-confidence. He began to take part in public speaking in school. Mental ability tests indicated that the student was at normal grade level except for deficiencies in reading.

Relations of disturbances of cranio-sacral mechanisms to symptomatology of the newborn. Fryman V. Journal Of The American Osteopathic Association. 1966;65:1059.

Out of 1250 babies examined five days post partum, a group of 211 ‘nervous’ children were found suffering from vomiting, hyperactivity, tremors and sleeplessness.

Release of ‘strain’ in the skull resulted in immediate quieting, cessation of crying, muscular relaxation and sleepiness.

Posture and mental health. Quigley WH. ACA Journal March 1964.

Discusses the relationship between mental health and posture. Dr. Quigley was the director of one of chiropractic’s most famous institutions: Clear View Sanitarium which specialized in “nervous and emotional disorders.”

An analysis of 350 emotionally maladjusted individuals under chiropractic care. Hartmann GW, Schwartz HS. NCA Journal of Chiropractic, Nov. 1949.

Classic review of 350 individuals helped under chiropractic care. Dr. Herman Schwartz was one of the leaders in chiropractic care for emotionally ill people and was the editor of the book Mental Health and Chiropractic.

Osteopathic concepts in psychiatry. Dunn FE Journal Of The American Osteopathic Association, March 1950.

A table describing the lesion (subluxation) frequency in schizophrenia is included. Patient management is discussed. Excellent research and review material.

Osteopathic management of psychosomatic problems. Dunn, FE. Journal Of The American Osteopathic Association, Vol. 48 No. 4 Neuropsychiatric Supplement Vol. 2 No. 1 Dec. 1948.

Relationship between structure and mental states and patient management is discussed. Good review material.

Copyright 2004 Koren Publications, Inc. & Tedd Koren, D.C.

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